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Grammer Editing


Our editorial staff guides you through the entire process - from copy editing, proofreading, accuracy checking, to the final stages of preparation of the manuscript for publication.

S4Carlisle offers both onshore and offshore copy editing, proofreading, and indexing services, depending on your specific needs and budget. Our team has a wide and specialized skill-base when it comes to the editorial process all designed to meet the varying requirements of our client’s base. Our team is trained in using state-of-the-art tools before the editing process begins to make sure the content is ready for the editing process. S4Carlisle has also developed author-proofing tools to produce the best possible product for our clients. Worldwide, we have five offices within the United States, India, and Singapore. S4Carlisle is more than able to take on any editorial work involving books and journals supporting many languages.


Our editorial staff guides you through the entire process, leading to the final stages of preparation of the manuscript for publication. We have an experienced team to handle your editorial needs for both online and print publications.


  • Copy editing which includes grammar, style, sense, syntax

  • Proofreading helps identify and fix grammatical errors, improve sentence clarity and the flow of ideas, resolving ambiguities, and eliminating any redundant content

  • Accuracy checking is always done to make sure the final product is free from factual errors as well as represents the author’s intent

  • Indexing allows for an easily searched and all-encompassing listing of terms and locations at the end of the text. They can include the following:

    • Keyword indexing

    • Author and name indexing

    • Product indexing

    • Subject / analytical indexing

    • Bibliographic indexing

  • Manuscript review and cleanup helps in the consistency of both the author’s and document’s character and quality

  • Element log creation provides a detailed accounting of all elements used in the creation of content

Project Management

We offer high-end project management services and work closely with our clients to guide them through each phase of the publishing process with strict quality, time, and cost standards. We manage parent, ancillary, and e-text products across varying disciplines. Our project manager works directly with editors and authors to guide content though each step of the production process.

Our project managers:

  • Effectively address a wide variety of project needs and devote the same level of attention to each project, regardless of size or scope

  • Proactively offer solutions to problems

  • Manage multi-contributor titles (100+ authors)

  • Are flexible and adapt to the publisher’s workflow and process

Copy Editing

S4Carlisle provides you global access to highly skilled and qualified copyeditors for research, content editing, formatting, rewriting, and editorial review. We offer language editing, creation of style sheets, editorial proofreading, indexing, and creation of abstracts. We go the extra mile with permissions research and image research.


S4Carlisle has a well experienced team to handle your Indexing needs for both online and print publications. Through a well-balanced mixture of automated and manual indexing, we offer back-of-the-book indexes (subject, name, author, geography, symbol) for a wide range of subjects within style specifications, journal indexes, and related kinds of indexes (controlled vocabulary and taxonomy). We also offer services in embedding indexing of books, computer-related manuals, and other technical documentation using Word or InDesign.

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S4Carlisle Publishing Services

GITSONS, No. 60, Industrial Estate,

Perungudi, Chennai 600096,

Tamil Nadu, India.

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© 2025 by S4Carlisle Publishing Services. 

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